I'm working on a commission that is based on my soundings drawings. The new form factor of mounted paper on cradle boards required a different set up. For many drawings I may draw on the wall. For ink drawings I usually draw on a flat surface. I have to reach across a distance and an incline can usually help. Using dip pens or droppers means the positioning of the pen holds the ink in place.
To make sure that the ink won't drop out or run on the paper an adjustment needs to be made to my work table. The whole design of the table was to allow for easy adjustments for different projects. This was going to be the first time I made a configuration with one side of the table flat and the other side with an incline. I can work on at least two projects at a time.
My saw horses happen to come with adjustable legs. I could make one set of legs higher and then possition the surface. But this seemed unnecessary. Margaret suggested I use the cut outs on the top of the horses to place the riser and catch the bottom edge of the table.
I have this thing for kids blocks so we used two blocks to hold the table at the angle. And to make sure the table didn't slide off the horse we added lovely little C-clamps. Ta da!