
To-do list MASS MoCA

Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective comprises 105 of LeWitt’s large-scale wall drawings, spanning the artist’s career from 1969 to 2007. These occupy nearly an acre of specially built interior walls that have been installed—per LeWitt’s own specifications—over three stories of a historic mill building situated at the heart of MASS MoCA’s campus.

studio december : illuminated experiments

When the winter comes the long hours of darkness bring an additional chill. Each winter my drawings look for the light. Drawing that embrace the chill. Each year I toy with the idea of creating illuminated drawings.

This year I have begun seriously making some three dimensional models to determine what kind of papers I'll need to sustain the shapes that I want. What translucency sheets provide for particular lighting options.

My goal is to fill a space with these lanterns of a kind that a scribed and marked with a vocabulary of inked marks and scratches.

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