drawing a day 02252012
Lines and interruptions.
The rhythm of my days. That's what this drawing feels like.
I'm moving along and there are these strange but pleasing interruptions interruptions interruptions add joy or consternation. They are the fabric of life and this drawing is my unconscious rambling yet rhythmic being.
Reception + Exhibition Celebration : Spring Awakening
drawings : collected
Egyptian waters is an incredibly successful series of drawings for me. I have two full series each has 10 drawings. Two of the drawings were recently acquired on the west coast. The two are from the second series and are shown below.
There is interest in four others. I have my fingers crossed.
studio update : March
Showing my work.
I've been thinking quite a bit lately about being more focused on showing some of my work. That means making sure I have images to post on my website. This isn't difficult for my smaller drawings I scan them and that is the best solution.
Making ready with Yupo.
In the studio : December 2011
I'm working with some drawings that just fell apart on me.
I tried adding some things to the surface and they just blew the marks away. So now I am cutting the drawings into pieces that could be assembled to make a new drawing. Or be part of another drawing. One that may be dimensional and may even be fastened say with a stapler. Just a couple of ideas I am working with right now.
I have a few days to do holiday things and then I will be back in the studio.
in the studio : november
In the studio : October 2011
I spent a long day in the studio Sunday.
I walked over from home; took a different route and enjoyed the cool weather. By the time I got up to my studio I was feeling a bit more tired than invigorated by the walk. I decided I didn't have the energy to make drawings on the wall.
I poured a tall glass of water and put on a half pot of coffee as usual.