
Punch List a single-sheet book

Punch List is one of my new single-sheet books that is in the RiTUAL show in Philadelphia. Often these books help push ahead other ideas for new drawings. This drawing is on an orange Canson paper. The dots are drawn with a Montana Marker. I enjoy the resulting effect they have on different surfaces.

You can see it in RiTUAL at HBHQ / 1241 Carpenter I have several other books. There are 200+ books.


Folding for RiTUAL Reading Room

I've gotten serious about doing folding for RiTUAL. Reading Room. Last week and this week I'm folding several sheets and will begin drawing and marking them this week.

I'm also making some work on unfolded sheets which I will fold after the drawing is made.

The revealing of what the marks will do when they are reassembled as a folded book intrigues me.


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