My latest acquisition. A mall pit fired ceramic sculpture by Philadelphia Artist Marguerita Hagan. From her Rongorongos. This is the smallest of the series it is about 5 inches tall.
The Rongorongo shout out a once diverse and abundant life on the Pacific Island. The thriving Rapanui culture and its lush landscape fell to devastating deforestation. With restoration at work today, the island of Rapanui in all of its mystery leaves a clear and profound message.
I’m excited to announce my year-long project for 2021 — a small single-sheet artist book/zine collection. This collection will be available to all patrons including the $3/month Studio Journal level. It’s like buying me a cup of coffee each month.
Inspired by numerous single sheet artist's books out in the universe, I have decided to make works that can be digitally shared with my patrons and collectors. I will be creating at least one single-sheet art book each month.
Today I made my first book available to patrons on Patreon. Each year I decide upon a project for the whole year. Sorta like a drawing-a-day. This year I decided to create artists books one each month. These fit on a single sheet of paper. 8.5 x 11 inches, letter-sized US.
I'm making the whole collection available for download as they are completed. I expect to have a collection of 12 books one each month.
The first book is a selection of digital drawings I made for my 2020 project called Digital Ink. This one includes a poster backside that can also be printed separately.
It's hard to believe but I've been in my studio for more than a decade. We did major work when I moved in to make the space clean and efficient for me to make work. I was lucky enough to have an air conditioner left from the previous tenant. It kept me cool for many a summer day. also managing the incredible humidity that Philadelphia offers.
Just before the pandemic stay-at-home order came down I tested the air conditioner and it groaned a sad groan — then it died.
This is art I bought from artist Selma Dronkers who also makes drawings. I finally reached my goal for #artistsupportpledge Her studio practice is in the Netherlands. I'm so happy to contribute to the effort that has stimulated a worldwide creative economy. This effort began to support artists and makers around the world who have had a very difficult time sustaining earning and maintaining their practices.