
red book : missives

Many missives in this little red Fabriano Sketchbook. Each drawing in this body of work is made with a fixed width fountain pen. Each drawing has a conversation with the drawing before and the drawing after.

The lack of opacity of the Fabriano sheet allows a reader to experience the show through drawing on the verso and the full drawing on the recto. This creates a rhythm and a linear experience a story line as one pages through.

There is no meaning to the marks until the reader views the drawings in context. The experience create a narrative of imagination.

Open Studio getting ready, making art.

I've been making drawings daily in anticipation of Philadelphia Open Studio Tours. Working in different directions, experimenting.

I'll be showing drawings new and old. This pic is a Hipstamatic grab of two drawings. Been very busy extending my measurement works. These show three dips. The larger needs the last pen dip. 

I'll be looking forward to visitors from noon - 6 PM.


measurement series 7 x 7 square

I'm working with smaller drawings now. It's all in response to the heat and how much energy it takes to make big drawings. I love small drawings and right now I am making drawings that can be paired or shown in multiples.

This is the start of a larger series of drawings made on 7 x7 inch paper. They follow the rules of the measuremnt series; dipping a pen and drawing a single stroke one after another until the ink is gone and repaeating this until it fills a defined field. The drawing reveals a rhythm and the marks measure the distance and mass one dip of a pen can make. 

Series in a book — new drawings

I've made a series of four drawings in my new red Fabriano sketchbook. This is a narrative of sorts. This is a new project and new form for the measurement drawings. This first series is done with a refillable fountain pen. I can fill it to complete the entire book.

I'm starting another that uses a dip pen where we can see how many missives can be drawn with the dip of a pen.


lounging at 1241

Yesterday while I was making room to do some drawing on the wall I had to manage some framed work. I have some little niches ouside my studio where we gather and chat so I hung two there. These are from my measurement series on watercolor paper. Stop by and see them.

I really like them by the red chairs.

I just think I need to hang them a tad lower.

In the Studio : New twins dark earth

Working on these two new panels. Working dark earth. The image isn't the best.

Both drawings following the same rules as the twins before. Two 12 x 12 inch panels one drawing is made on a primed wood surface and the other on mounted watercolor paper. The panels have two tonal profiles. One is a wash the other a sold rich dense hue. The long lines have some very subtle moments due to my value choice. The shorts use a pearlescent ink which makes the texture directional.

These two pieces are hanging on the wall in my studio. Tomorrow I'll see what is next if anything.


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