philadelphia artist

drawing : square paynes gray dip

This morning I opened a package in my snail mail to find some handmade square sheets of paper. Shortly later I made this drawing.

I had never used this ink, this pen, or this paper before. Difficult drawing, Interesting results. 

The way that the small sheet and all the edges come into play when placed on a larger surface make the deckle feel like a drawn edge.

measurement series 7 x 7 square

I'm working with smaller drawings now. It's all in response to the heat and how much energy it takes to make big drawings. I love small drawings and right now I am making drawings that can be paired or shown in multiples.

This is the start of a larger series of drawings made on 7 x7 inch paper. They follow the rules of the measuremnt series; dipping a pen and drawing a single stroke one after another until the ink is gone and repaeating this until it fills a defined field. The drawing reveals a rhythm and the marks measure the distance and mass one dip of a pen can make. 

Series in a book — new drawings

I've made a series of four drawings in my new red Fabriano sketchbook. This is a narrative of sorts. This is a new project and new form for the measurement drawings. This first series is done with a refillable fountain pen. I can fill it to complete the entire book.

I'm starting another that uses a dip pen where we can see how many missives can be drawn with the dip of a pen.


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