thinking out loud

POSTED ON Sunday, August 24, 2014 - 15:08

Sometimes for a break I sit in that white chair on the fire escape. Exterior fire escapes are so much friendlier than modern enclosed stairwells. 

little white chair
POSTED ON Sunday, August 24, 2014 - 12:27

Just had to post the view today. It's always interesting. Sometimes it is magnificent!

the sky outside my studio
POSTED ON Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 16:28

Today hours by the river with my simple, compact, and trusty travel drawing kit.

I often carry this kit on a walk or when traveling so I can always stop and draw wherever I am. I've been filling the pages for some time now in a particular vocabulary and style. Only one quarter of the book is full. I have a long way to go.


Travel drawing kit.
POSTED ON Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:22

Today is the last day of soundings. There is something of relief and sadness. To stay engaged in the effort to have the show seen is exhausting. I'm happy to be over it. But having the work together forming this experience has been joyful and incredibly rewarding. 

To have made a larger drawing than I ever had made before. To maintain an engagement and work with two amazing colaborators has been enriching in every sense of the word. To have had a voice together and listen to it become more resonant with each day and conversation with viewers was amazing.

soundings splat fifteen seven [detail]
POSTED ON Monday, July 21, 2014 - 09:24

You can't trash old doors. No you can't do it even if they are crappy hollow core doors. Just paint them and make them portable work surfaces. One side has a matte clear coat the other awhite painted surface. Now I can expand my horizontal work surfaces and I've added hardware so that I can hang them from pulleys and drop them down for more drawing or display surfaces too.

It's like having a reversable jacket.

Flexibilty rocks. 


POSTED ON Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 17:19

This is the second day that I have been lucky enough to be in my studio during these storms. I have an amazing view of the city and the sky which changes every second it seems.

Now the sky is one giant cloud covering the tops of our taller buildings. A steady rain falls.

POSTED ON Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 09:37

It is always difficult to make new work in the aftermath of hanging a show. The adrenalin has fallen, the body wants to sleep and the head is full of new ideas. It's just the hands that are unwilling. But now three weeks later I'm ready to get back to drawing. My head is full of ideas not of drawings but of marks I want to make and the processes I look forward to experiencing. It will be more experimentation with ink and tools that may or may not be unexpected.

indigo ink on Yupo synthetic paper, rhythms
POSTED ON Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - 21:51

I made this drawing after the splat. 

I had finished the splat drawing but I really felt as though I needed to make another. From previous experience I figured I might be able to make another small drawing in the three or more hours I had left in my studio day.

Making this drawing actually surprised me. My ability to maintain an even tempo and distance was quite easy. I am really please with what it turned out to be. 

drawing, ink, rhythm, works on paper, ink on paper, abstract
POSTED ON Monday, March 31, 2014 - 21:04

I've made several small drawings rendering repetitive marks to create patterns. These drawings are part of continuing experimentation on rhythms created by the repititive marks using tools that must be dipped or filled with limited amounts of pigment. 

The changes in the marks are a direct result of the depletion of the pigment. I'm working on both large and small drawings. Looking forward to making more.

unnamed 01-repitition
POSTED ON Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - 20:03

A nice picture of my most recent aquisition for making marks. This is the first of these markers that i have purchased. I've chosen a green that feels like spring and I'm going to experiment. The ink is acrylic and the pump action refills the nib. I'll take it through the paces on numerous surfaces.

I'm looking forward to getting to know what the marker can do. If it responds as I expect I'll try buying a couple larger nibs.

green ink marker
